So, I just got myself a "digital" copy of the latest Dengeki Hobby and am crudely/greatly surprised with some of the new contents...
Read on...Oh lookie here, Fon just pwned 2 Emprusses with one shot! Amazing! Well, that's as awesome as when he took on those 3 Garazzos and kicked them to death last time! O.o
Story Note (Credit: Animesuki Forums): There is this trap see and Fon was "invited". He was bored so... yeah.I won't be surprised if Bandai releases an Gundam Avalanche Astraea Type F' soon-ish for 2400 Yen. :/
And my wallet will definitely cry cuz' I like it. o.o;There really should be HGs for these 00 MAs...
Oh hey, that ND HE guy was actually a clone of Gai Murakamo (WTF?) and Canard Pars appears! Well, at least I know why that Gale Strike had the same color as the ABF now... I feel bad now that I didn't see it coming. :C
Okay, that's all for now. Those side-stories are pretty interesting/ crazy, eh? >_>
Nendroid Kirby
8 years ago
I was kinda expected this... I havent bought HG Astraea Type F and HG Avalanche Exia Dash... I was sure there will be Astraea Avalanche type F variation soon :P..
But I see bandai kinda smart doing milking now... Astraea Type F got those tons of armaments and I think Avalanche Astraea Type F might include something else... altho its pretty nice one ... XD
I think its not hurts to get both IF the Red Avalanche got released... HG Astraea Type F is worth to get IMO... might skip Avalance Exia Dash for Red Avalanche .. orz I dunno lol.. ONORE BANDAI?
So no wonder that Gale strike, is so blue, Yay Clone Gai, i hope he defects, seeing its my only favorite in the new line of As(H)tray
And Bandai, stop f***ing around with us, you know you've pissed off a lot of ppl killing off blue frame.
Regarding Fon... A trap... "invited"... he was bored... wow. Talk about killing your boredom (in a literal sense)...
And thank you for mentioning about ND:HE. Was really scratching my head on that one.
p.s. fortunately, not a fan of Exia *runs like a comet*
that's for sure make me relieve that ND HE got a nice face (good thing they dont screw him or give him some alien face or whatsoever XD)
urr...they sure gonna milk a even they got Avalanche Astraea'
well, good thing they make HG Astraea to be stacked u, so that im not into it..but Ava Exia' looks nice to me (armored up)
aside from that, that Dreadnought looks nice
woo........too much avalanche........
Red is so much better....that astrea evalanche is tempting!!
But not too sure whether the MA should be might be too big even if hg size!
Spark's looks more crazier than that if he pilot avalanche astraea type F ...let me guess in vs astray,thats Dreadnought H?!
So Fon was bored and he went to the trap??? And he took down 2 Empruss?? He also took down 3 Garazzos? Seriously?? Maybe if they replace Setsuna with Fon, the war would have ended more quicker and lesser casualties and damages....
So ND HE was a copy of Gai? I was expecting Kira Yamato though.... Oh well.
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