I actually intended to do this earlier, but due to extreme internet slowdowns and constant disconnections(stares at Streamyx), I was not able to. Good to say that the Internet connection is quite fine now.
Now, February is nearing its end and the SPM results are coming in closer. How one should feel for this? I don't really feel anything for it though(until it is right in front of my face). ^^;
Anyways, on with the Gunpla!
Like I said in an earlier post, I bought the 1/100 NG 00 Gundam. However, I also bought the 1/144 HG 00 Gundam due to reading that it has better articulation(plus a waist joint). This creates a difference between the two, even if they are moulded based on the same Gundam.
First, let me talk about the 1/100 NG version.
After I built it, I was surprised and astounded by the firmness of the model. It was not like the Exia I got previously. The legs are firm and not too lose or too stiff. Its easily posable(the legs). Quite a few poses were capable with this Gundam that probably difficult to find on previous 1/100 NGs from Bandai. However, due to the lack of a waist joint, it totally limits the upper body poses(I will show you some pics of this issue later). Okay, no need to type 1000 words, low res pictures taken with a camera phone should help better the feeling of this Gunpla.
Edit/Note: I forgot to put a piece of the leg armor. It should be obvious to those who watch or do Gunpla also. ^^; I already put it on FYI.
I have to say something about the GN Sword II, its rifle mode is lose. You can put it in rifle mode, yes, but it will easily drop off. The feet does not have a "double-joint" in which the feet cannot bend like a real human feet. I guess they wanted to cut costs due to the details on the 00...
Next up, the 1/144 HG 00 Gundam. I really like it, probably more that the bigger version due to its better articulation and higher posibility of poses. Anyways, it is quite similar to the bigger one but slightly less detailed. Slightly, you can buy this and feel it is quite nice to build and pose around(it can do a "180 split", but I didn't take a pic for this due to dim lighting while I was playing around with it, might add it on later). Right, on with the piccies! Oh, BTW, I took some more pictures of this as compared to its bigger counterpart due to me having more free time with it(since I built it on a fine free afternoon unlike the nighter for the bigger version).
The 1/144 HG is amazing, and with its low price of below RM50, you should think of buying it(as long as you like the 00 Gundam). Sadly, it does not come with the shield, connector for lance mode or its clear saber parts. But, do not fret, it comes together with the HG 0 Raiser kit!
Finally, comparison between 1/144 HG and 1/100 NG. See the differences!
Well, that's all the comparison pics I took that are obvious.
Now, some random pictures...(all 1/144 HG)
00: Gack! o.o
Note: I bought the MG Turn A Gundam at the same time as HG 00, forgot to mention it.
Well, that's all for now(long post is long post). Yeah, you can say I'm a dai-fan(big fan) of 00 Gundam. Hopefully it will come out in 1/60 or MG, or even PG soon(along with its 0 Raiser extension)!
In term of recommendation, I prefer the HG. If you want it to come with the 0 Raiser, I advice you all to buy the 00 Raiser combo kits(which was not available when I bought my 00s). The HG 00 Raiser set comes in a lighter color tone which looks rather nice. The 1/100 00 Raiser set comes with the Celestial Being Stand which I quite like.
Next time, I'll try to put a mini-review of the MG Gundams. ^.^
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