Last weekend on a fine Saturday morning, my classmates of Group 4 of English & Communications Skills Part 1 went to a hot spring. I'm not very clear on the exact location but it was pretty far off, requiring an hour drive from the Kuching airport to reach the location. To my knowledge, it is somewhere far away from Serian about 27th Mile. The place was rather secluded and lots of fine greenery can be seen. Natural surroundings were nice to see and feel. ^^
Notes: Within this blog post, I'll give out the first names of some of the people in our group. This is so that it is much easier for me to highlight some events of interest and the important stuff. =)
This post will be rather long, especially with the tonnes of pictures I will be showing, so those with a slow connection, beware!
The reason why this trip was held is because the English & Communication Skills Part 1 subject requires each group to make a class magazine. Each class magazine needs a group outing that will be the highlight of the magazine besides the other articles each member have to write.
The leader appointed for our class magazine is Morgan. The person who decided the place(hot springs) was one of our appointed editors, Jia Qi(or Veronica as Morgan & Joel likes to call her). XD
We decided the meeting place to be the Kuching airport as it would be the ideal intersection point for us to begin our journey. The time to meet was "before 7.45am". Pfft, M'sian time says no to that. Most of us arrived at the place by 8.10am. Talk about being on time. >_>
The Vehicles
For this trip, some of our driving capable students brought their rides, well kinda. Morgan used his family Naza Ria, Winny brought the Mitsubishi Pajero(drove by Teck Fu) and Leon used his Kia Spectra. We were chaperoned by Jia Qi's mother who drove her own car, the New Proton Saga.
Journey; Start!
The journey to the hot springs began at about 8.15am with Jia Qi's mother in the lead.I sat in Morgan's Naza Ria along with 5 other people of our group at the rear left. Morgan's driving was quite smooth and enjoyable for the passenger to sit in. ^^ I'm not too sure about the other two "P" drivers though, but Leon was driving on the dangerous side, cutting here and there. >.>
Journey; CD Dilemma, Part 1
Joel - Morgan's cousin and person sitting besides him, thought it would be a great day to pop a CD into the CD Player of the Naza Ria. He thought wrong. The CD Player simply rejected his CDs, almost all but a CD by Britney Spears. Weird CD Player there, especially when most of the CDs were original. o.O
Journey; The LorryDuring the drive, we met up with the lorry you see in front here... TWICE. Slow lorry in front, TWICE. The reason why it "returned" is because we took a wrong turn, causing us to lose some precious time.
Journey; Almost There!The drive was really long as it took slightly more than an hour. Luckily, the MPV was nicely air-conditioned and confortable, it really didn't matter. The photos above shows some part of the kampung of the longhouse we visited after the hot springs.
The stretch of road from the kampung onwards was not a pretty sight and feel. Looking at it will tell you; "Only one vehicle shall pass this route at one time". Left and right you will see lots of greenery, telling me that this place is very far off from the city and rural.
Journey; We Are Finally There!We finally arrived at the entrance of the hot springs by 9.35am! Yes, finally we are here, oh wait... looks like we have to pay the entrance fee! I though we were going to take the easy way and sneak our way in! ><
Hot Springs; Entrance Fee
Hot Springs; We ARE Not There YET!? WALKING REQUIRED ><
Hot Springs; Enjoying The Water?
Journey; Hitting The Road Once More
Longhouse; Getting There...
Longhouse; Look See
Longhouse; Sample House
Longhouse; Going Back Out and More Exploring
Jia Qi's aunt and family treated us to some delicious fried chicken wings, nuggets, bihun(I think) and curry mee. For some odd reason, the nuggets were really delicious. X3
After we are done eating, we donated a little to Jia Qi and left quickly. XD
Now, onwards to 7th Mile for Teh C Peng!
Journey; More CD Dillemas
We left the kampung at about 1.30pm. As someone decided not to ride with us for this part, I was lucky enough to finally get the right middle seat. =3
Journey; It Starts Raining?
7th Mile: Teh C Peng!
Journey; End
After the trip to 7th Mile, we went back to the airport. I waited for a while before I was picked up by my parents and was back at home by late evening. >_>
Overall, the trip was rather sociable and great. However, I'm not too sure how we can make it look epic in the class magazine as I felt that there was not much things to make it seem great. But then again, I guess that's up to how the final article on it will be writen out. =D
Well, that's all for now. Wow, this post is really long. =o
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