~Life Rant~
Ah, how much relief I feel after 2 group assignments have been done and done with(though not as great as I would like...). Nevermind that, it tells me that I've yet to master leadership well enough yet and I have much more need to learn to be able to manage a team well or else you'll be running deadlines that can risk a heart attack. ^^;~End Life Rant~
Well, I had some time in-between(due to me waiting for the rest of my teammates to finish up their needed sections at designated points of time), I actually spent 2 days building 2 0 Gundams simultaneously. Well, I actually wanted to finish it within one day but other family duties calls. ^^
Quick MS Bio
Prototype of all the Gundams in 00. It comes with very basic weaponry. Appears in the first episode, the last episode of season 1(very brief) and the few last episodes of season 2. When it appeared in the first episode before the young Setsuna(Exia/00 pilot), it created a bond between Ribbons and Setsuna... Setsuna with his "fetish" for Gundams and Ribbon's "God complex".GN-000 - 0 Gundam
Pilot(s): Ribbons Almark, Lasse Aeon
Height: 18m (same as RX78-2)
Weight: 53.4t
Armaments: GN Beam Rifle, GN Beam Saber, GN Shield
Part 1a: 0 Gundam Type A.C.D. Box

Part 1b: 0 Gundam Box

Part 1c: Box Compare

Because of that, I was able to do something which can be considered as double build. 2 basically identical model kits at the same time? Crazy.
Part 2: Box Open!

Part 3: Runners

Slight variation near the bottom. Bandai seems quite conservative this time around.

Notable difference in GN Drive parts. The clavicles are here instead for the original colors for color accuracy.

Part 4: Double Building Process
Part 4.1: Torso

I painted the front vents with red Gundam marker via toothpick trick. I intended to use my red marker, but it didn't fit in. ^^;
The GN Drives were painted quite a bit. I think I went overboard with the black "thrusters" on the A.C.D. GN Drive but it somehow looks rather decent. Both of the inner "thrusters" are painted with the green metallic marker, shaken thorough this time.
Weirdly, I felt that the original colors GN Drive to be a bit small as it is basically the same size as A.C.D.
Part 4.2: Head

I didn't paint or apply the yellow sticker for the V-Fin of the original colors as I felt it looked just as good in white.
Part 4.3: Beam Rifle(or Gun?) & Shield
Part 4.4: Arms

Part 4.5: Legs

FYI, due to the short amount of time left when building, I just used a black CD marker for the black parts. Fast and easy to control.
Part 4.6: Waist

There's also a slot at the "ass" for the stand which is best used to prevent obstruction to the legs.
Part 4.7: Beam Saber

Part 5: To Be Continued...
Unlike before, I used my 0.1 tip drawing pen for some of the panel lines as a "try-out". Do you think the panel lines are okay?
Well that's all for now as the real review will be up a little later as I haven't really finish the photo shoot. Adding to that, I might also decide to review my MG Turn A as well as long as nothing comes up tomorrow.
To be honest, I shouldn't really be blogging since I'm quite tired from the double deadlines I had to face in this week alone. Sigh, at least the coffee worked well for when it was needed. ^^;
Continue to part 2 here!
can the GN feather put at A.C.D version?
You can but you'll need to use the original colors GN Drive instead. You can also do this for other 00 kits(specifically the season 1 ones) as long as the original colors GN Drive can slot in somewhere.
hey! you did a good job here ... an excellent HG this 0 Gundam! very good!
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