A lot of stuff needs to be done this month since school started. It is more quick paced than last year since our semester has been shortened by 2 weeks. Plus I have a lot of things to bring up for SAMS this year due to the lack there-of last year.
Anyways, I'm still kinda unhappy with myself for not being able to finish the Nobell review, not yet, but if I can, I may make a slew of random comic strips involving her - if I don't forget whatever idea I have came up so far when I get a chance to do a photo-shoot. ^^;
For those who live in Kuching or specifically go to Swinburne, come to the weekly SAMS general meetings where we watch anime and possibly do some other related stuff on every Friday from 1.30-4.30pm at G901.
That's all for now. D:
Nendroid Kirby
8 years ago
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