Got these in the mail today. I know there will be a remake for Disgaea 3 for the PS Vita but still thought of getting the game that made me decide to get the PS3 in the first place. I really wanted Disgaea 3 for ages. The one on the right is the Disgaea 4 Premium edition. Not really much in fact but the price wasn't far off from the standard release currently so I went with it since I had the chance. (And if anyone wants to retaliate again, Disgaea 4 is my 2nd PS3 game that cost me more than RM100, Disgaea 3 cost me less than that.)

The US premium edition only comes with a bonus of a guide book and fixed pose figure of Fuka.

The figure doesn't exactly shout "quality" to me but okay-ish.
Overall the premium edition feels alright but could be better. I'd like to get that Nendo Fuka if possible but sadly I couldn't grasp the chance when the Japanese release was up last time. Ah well, still enjoying it at any rate. =)
That's all for this month's get post so far. Still haven't brought myself to type out some of the review posts yet since the mood hasn't kicked in. ^^; I think some of you would like some write up about the
SAMS Maid Cafe 2011 event that was held on 23rd September... >.>
Okay, time for bed, seriously.