Phew! Been quite busy for the past week and will still be busy, especially after Hari Raya next week! Mid-terms are coming soon and I'll have to spend some quality time with my books. XP
For the time being, I am a bit more free and planning to have some nice fun over the weekend, the 4 day weekend. I'll most probably not go out as my parents are planning to go balik kampung this weekend and I'm not coming.
At any rate, this month has been a money saving savvy month. Then again, the HG Reborns Gundam and HGUC Gundam 7th Unit hasn't arrive here yet. I "only" got 2 Gundam related items this whole entire month, which is a good thing, money and space-wise. XD

I bought the BB 0 Gundam earlier this month. GN Feathers FTW! I also managed to get the Hobby Japan October issue as well from Momotoys. If any of you that live in Kuching who want to get it as well, quickly get your butts to Momotoys and get them before I decide to spend extra cash on a 2nd one! >D
I haven't put mine together yet as I didn't have the free time but I'm pondering whether to get a 2nd one so that I can try to paint the parts with just Gundam Markers... decisions, decisions once again... =P
Furthermore, I managed to go to the CPA Undergraduates Conference 2009 last Saturday(12/09/09). I'm not going to say much about this as I could not remember it well enough to make an individual post. It was a really great event.
Even though we had to pay RM10 to join in, it was well worth it! We got a bag of goodies which includes a black CPA T-Shirt(you can pick your size during registration), magazines and booklets, pen and a water bottle when are an early bird! I had to wake up pretty early to just be able to get the water bottle. XP

Waking up early to get a free bottle. Worth it or not worth it?
The speakers were awesome and very admirable. We had a nice lunch in the afternoon also, with me gulping down three standard sized cups full of orange juice. XDAlso, I also came across a grasshopper near one of our doors the other day...

I wonder what happened to it after I left it?
Nothing much else to say. I'll probably play around this weekend instead of doing some needed revisions on my subjects but we'll see. =|Maybe I should build the HG 0 Gundam(Type ACD) this weekend... >_>