Monday, July 11, 2011

Lighting Quick Test via Samsung Champ @ 1.3MP

Using a small sensor makes thing more obvious than using the usual camera. Thus, lets see how this test goes~

I recently bought a big black/white cardboard from the bookstore the other day. One side is black one the other side is while. Actually it is a black hard cardboard but with the white on the other side, I thought of getting it to interchange white and black backdrops depending on the model being photographed. Normally white would be better to bring out the details (lower noise output) but black gives it a nicer contrasting backdrop (which however causes details to be washed out due to increase noise output for the camera as well as potential overexposure on lighter subjects). (I might not be so accurate with terms here, based on my reading memory and experience thus far.)

Black backdrop, ceiling light top right and LED lamp top left.

White backdrop, ceiling light top right and LED lamp top left.

White backdrop, ceiling light top right, LED lamp right and LED lamp left.

Black backdrop, ceiling light top right, LED lamp right, LED lamp left.

Note: The Samsung Champ's camera tends to be underexposed from my experience using it.

Final setup. This is an alternate photo-shoot area with no reachable sunlight. The yellow LED lamp isn't really mine though so I just borrowed it to see how this more "surrounded" lighting works out. I think it works pretty well.

I'll need to see if my understanding it correct and maybe I'll use this new photo-shoot setup for the next review.


Gundam Gunso said...

NIce setup you got there XD

canopy said...

Wow, such a coincidence, I was trying to search on how to set the lighting for the photo booth. Then I saw you use some kind of paper to minimalize the light.
Never thought of that before hahaha. :D Very informative. :D


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