MS Brief
The Gundam Avalanche Exia is an alternate configuration of the same Gundam Exia you see in the Gundam 00 anime season 1. The purpose of this add-on is to increase Exia's boosting speed and flight since it doesn't have the proper propulsion configuration in the first place (or something like that). Anyways, this add-on is pretty much null and void once the Exia was upgraded to the R2 spec whereby it gains thrusters practically everywhere. This configuration needs about an hour (not sure if I remember this part correctly) to charge the condensers before use and it can only last for 10 minutes before it needs to recharge again.
However, the Dash or ' add-on add-on gives it even more boosters, claws and a way to fight Arche Gundam "toe-to-toe".
MS Specs
Pilot: Setsuna F. Seiei
Height: 18.3m
Weight: 65.9t
Armaments: GN Sword/Rifle, GN Long Blade, GN Short Blade, GN Beam Saber (2), GN Beam Dagger (2), GN Vulcan (2), GN Claw (2)
Read on!
Part 1: Box

Part 2: Box Open!

Part 3: Runners

Part 4: Building Process

I do have to note I did the upper body parts messier than usual since I did it when I was tired after class. I was pretty enthusiastic to build it but stopped at the arms after I find that at the current progress I'm was at, I'll be very disappointed in the end. I continued the rest of the kit a few days later when I was in a better condition and it seems to have paid off. Well, that's what I think.
I also show a sign of gratitude to my sister who helped shake the difficult to use silver Gundam marker which replaces my already finished gray Gundam marker. FYI, the silver came out better from the legs onwards.
I used both stickers and marker paint for this build (well, like all my HG Exia builds actually). Utilizing stickers only when I'm either lazy to paint that area or find the sticker adequate. Mostly, I didn't used stickers that need to fold around an area since they are prone to coming off much easier than ones that stay flat. I'm not gonna indicate every single one of my preference though but I felt that I should say it. ^^;
Part 4.1: Torso

I highly advise anyone who build this to super glue the two halves of the "sword holsters" at the rear since they will open up when you slot in the swords later on for storage.
Part 4.2: Head

Part 4.3: Arms

Nonetheless, it is nice to see that a great amount of part separation is available here even though I wished there were more molded yellow than sticker yellow (unless you opt to paint instead).

Anyways, the shoulders have quite a number of moving joints, some of which I didn't even know, and is quite articulated. The elbow is a bit more restricted now thanks to the added bulk.
Note that some blue paint is needed for the upper portion of the white shoulder parts which I only noticed later.
Part 4.3: Waist

Part 4.4: Legs
Part 4.5: Avalanche Base
Part 4.6: GN Sword

Part 4.7: GN Long & Short Blades & GN Beam Sabers
To be continued~
Pretty rare for me that 1/144 HG having this kind of rear skirt movement. Overall I interested with that leg 'skiing' part. what its usage in its story?
Painting yellow on a dark surface sucks..... Especially with a Gundam Marker yellow....
Well...Bandai did skimped on the beam sabers effect parts...and give you one 'toothpick' instead. Gonna use that?
large, bulky, armored~~ sweet~~ how GN-Arms are made simpler for gundams~
damn it.. u beat me >_<;;
U got all what I want uguuu
The Red Guy
and now this ^^;;
Great Review as always XD
Awesome review man!! Now waiting for part 2!!! I do have the 1/100 version..its a beauty...might get the 1/144 for display on my desk!
@gyver: To cut more stuff. XD
@Marzz: Truth.
@Chris: Naw,I have too many of those already. >_> I just used my now abundant amount of beam sabers.
@ZD: Yep, data on the GN Arms is integrated into this add-on. ^^
@Tsuki: Hehe, we have similar tastes so yeah.
Backlogs: JIIII~
@chubbs: Thanks. Part 2 now up!
Some of you might get disappointed later though. <.<
is the paint is included
Nope, paint comes separately.
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