OMG! I'm totally stoked and very, very happy that I haven't bought the HG 00 Qan[T] due to Momotoys being temporarily closed to change of location to One Jaya.Priced at 4500 Yen, it seems reasonable enough. It also features the other non-available gimmicks on the HG such as the hidden handles on the GN Sword Bits and the ability to hold the GN Sword V a little more closer to the line-art. Sweet! Time to make sure I have 4500 Yen available by November... if it releases early and available when I'm in S'pore, you know what I'll bring back from AFA 2010. Ahah.
I'll probably still get the HG 00 Qan[T] for the ability to equip the GN Sword IV later on though while the other three may be delayed to the unknown future due to;Raphael, however, does not have any additional equip ad far as I know. Those who have watched the movie would know why it doesn't. ^^; Then again, I never did like Tieria's Gundams as much as the rest so belated purchase, like all his suits, as well. I bought both the HG Virtue and HG Seravee much later once I found them at lowered/discounted prices. Then again, I bought the HG Nadleeh and HG Seraphim fairly early...
So gonna get this since Jamil Neate actually fought his fear to ride a MS to ride it... and he kicked major arse. December release at 1800 Yen.
All images and news source from your friendly neighborhood NgeeKhiong.
Okay, that's all for now. Gonna be busy for the rest of this week.
Those in Kuching may want to visit Swinburne this Saturday (25/09/10) in the afternoon (11AM-5PM to be precise) to experience the one day Swinburne Carnival. THERE IS GONNA BE A TEKKEN 6 MATCH also. Entry is OPEN to ALL. Make sure you register by this Friday latest if you intend to join in. :)
EDIT - On a Note:
Looks like the NG 1/100 line will be displaced by the MG 1/100 line since the MG 00 Qan[T] is getting released quite soon, in fact too soon. With that said, will we be expecting more MG releases such as the other Gundams - Zabanya, Harute and Raphael real soon? However, I will miss the NG 1/100 line since they cost a bit cheaper compared to eventual MG 1/100 releases as long as they stop selling em' with those LEDs that I won't be lighting up more than once!
Bandai's molding technology has gone way up recently and it should not be a problem for them to actually output more MG kits at a time. The only problem would be the ability of customers to buy them... then again, the release schedule of one new MG per month is pretty okay thus far except when variations come into play and we get multiple MGs per month as recent releases have taught us.
So, does that mean that we will get a RG 1/100 one day? Considering that NG 1/100s will cease to exist at this rate... I mean, they don't sell FGs any more now, do they? And I don't think Bandai likes how "well" those VS Astrays left those shelves... Darn should've bought more!
Haha! I didn't get the HG version yet either... I think I would wait and see if there's an "ignition mode"....
wait.. u going to AFA2010!!!???
damn it... i want to go too.. but ORZ
I will wait for........ MG 00 Raiser...
Unless this MG 00 Quanta included Full Saber!!
@Marzz: if there is, they would announce it already... unless they make a MG 1/100 00 Qan[T] Full Quantum Burst Mode or something a few months later to reek in the profits... I can see that happening though. XP
@Tsuki: Save up, take holiday and come! :O
Not too fond of 00 Raiser... now for 007S/G, then we are talking. Or maybe a complete set which I can imagine to cost upwards to 10000 Yen at that point. ^^;
If it comes with the Full Saber, I'm sure everyone would jump in the bandwagon and buy it when it arrives. XD
Hooray, I got the HG already (note: sarcastic).
It's a good thing really if you see it this way. I am satisfied with the HG, so if this MG 00Q doesn't come with anything more than previously announced, I can skip it. This way, I got the cheaper kit, and won't regret if they released another MG 00. ^^
@CD - save up? how much all the cost? what bout visa? pls guide me.. first time will be out off malaysia O_o
thank you Bandai for announcing this news~ i am so happy now~ this gonna be instant get for me although people will put his flaws on surface~ i dont care about full saber or any addition like OO type ELS (the MS in the end of movie, still didnt know how it looks like actually)
i will be appreciating LEDs for this MG as i like LEDs
oh well, im just too happy~
bye bye HG OOQ~
well i like this too but like tsuki said 00 raiser still deserved a MG treatment, but what about Harute, Zabanya, Raphel? They are awesome too..
@Chris: Haha, I see I see. Well, considering the price set, there shouldn't be anything extra and should pretty much be standard MG stuff.
@Tsuki: A 2 year passport can be gotten for RM100. You'll need your birth certificate and IC as well as a very recent photo of yourself at passport size to register. It's quite straightforward and really quite easy to do. You can obtain your passport on the day you make it (if you do it in the early morning to early afternoon).
More here;
(Google is your friend.)
@ZD: It looks okay to me so far since we were shown a prototype. I mean, we saw some sagging with the HG as well but it doesn't seem to be an actual problem when the kit hits retail.
Heh, that's so like you. Personally, under normal circumstances these LEDs are quite "useless" for most of us. It would be nice if LEDs are a separate deal (like action bases) or only included in special editions to justify the added cost. Well, that's my opinion on it anyways.
@Mafty: Those three should definitely get a MG treatment... as well as the ones before it. C'mon MG Kyrios/Arios/GN Archer/Harute!
CD - Ohhhh didnt know that lol.. so how much spend u think will u use for this trip? 1 day or 2? do you will only going into Festival or will buy ticket go to Stage Access?
what bout concert... will you gonna see it?
lol too many question.. gomen
It's alright. Right now the tickets for the concert are being sold online since today but exchange rates aren't kind enough for me to go to the concert and getting the standing pass seems to be such a... waste and we are so far behind if I were to do that. D: So, I'll most likely pass up on the concert at the moment.
As for the pass for the AFA, I'll get the complete thing since the price ain't that high and it is better to see the whole place since I don't get to do such a thing all that often. ^^
As for the trip itself, I'll be in S'pore for 3 days 3 nights. Gonna stay at a hostel which is cheaper (got a friend who is going with me). I'll try to get around S'pore one the first day, at least the places I want to visit. Heh.
As for expenditure, the trip itself won't cost more than RM1000. If you intend to buy stuff or go to the concert, of course you'll need more than that however.
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