I had, well need, to do a few stuff before the next semester begins again which delayed the next part of the Nobel Gundam review. Sorry about that. I wanted to do the post this week but I got preoccupied with the other things I wanted to do. ^^; (Hope I can do it next week since I'm yet to be busy for the first few weeks of class. Class will begin next week.)
Anyways, what have I been doing?
Some bits of relaxing and especially gaming. I recently "got" Marvel VS Capcom 3 on the Xbox 360 and will later on get a real copy on the PS3 in order to play online. Played it a bit and spent a good part of the day playing. Used Zero as my main for the "quick" playthrough to get a quick feel of the game. XD
Anyone else playing this or plan to play? :3
Other than that, I continued playing Tales of Vesperia, just to get stuck on Secret Mission 17. I actually stopped close to that and now I'm in my head with the hardest, most annoying actually, secret mission in the game. I'll get back to this when I feel like it since I got the boss "memorized" (who is actually easy to beat unless you want to get the secret mission).
This is the oldest PC in the house that is still in used. The third computer to be ever bought in the house and it runs a second generation AMD Sempron. The monitor and mouse are quite new though while the keyboard and speakers are almost 10 years old. Monitor is 20" FYI.Then, after discovering
RemoteJoyLite, though late of me, I played with my PSP some more after quite the neglect (due to staying at home most of the holiday and if you're staying home, better play with the home consoles, yep). Using just a compatible USB cable (easily obtained), you can output your PSP screen to a larger monitor through your computer. The only bad thing is that, the larger your screen, the more
pixelated it will be. Not a big problem for me even though it can be quite visible at times.
Note: Go to Youtube and find a good visual instruction on this. The video details should have links to the required files.

Oh yes, you do need to be running a custom firmware to run the plugin. A vanilla PSP can't do this unfortunately.
A few good things come with this setup;
- You get a larger screen.
- You can have a more comfortable grip using almost any PC usable controller.*
- You can output your PSP to PC speakers to allow better sound and range.
- You can record gameplay videos with it.**
- Battery barely, doesn't seem to, decrease if you leave USB charging on.***
*You can use a PS3 controller by getting the PC drivers for them.
**To record sound, you need to do something which I'm not so sure what. Search up through Google about that one.
***May cause the battery to degrade faster since it will be constantly charging. Not so sure on this though.
So, if you're at home and want to use a bigger screen, forget the composite/component cable for the PSP and just use RemoteJoyLite instead. Saves money and you can use the whole screen. If your PC is connected to a LCD TV or a projector, even better.

Okay, enough with the "advertisement". I'm currently finishing up
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep right now on it. Only Aqua's story and some of the Xehanort Reports left to go... I have to say rushing in doesn't work so well in this game, which makes the game less of a simple button smasher which KH2 felt like. After completing Ventus and Terra's story so far, it... *SPOILERS* T_T
That's it for this filler post. If you have a hacked PSP, try it out and enjoy a larger screen at home without needing to buy any special cables at all.