Do not take the images as your own, I've seen some of my stuff taken without a word of mention of where it came from, especially since these aren't watermarked. I won't attack you or anything but be moralistic about other people's efforts.
Note: HG Destiny is from TT Hongli which I got two years back now. Wasn't easy posing something that literally falls apart off every time I adjust the arms and wings. I can say the same to the RD SF too as well... I'll tell you the weaknesses in detail soon enough but I can expect you guys to guess the logical weakness it has.
This is just a quick simple omake I did for the long overdue review of the Robot Damashii Strike Freedom Gundam I got last year. I heavily blame the lack of reviews for my final gets of 2010 figures due to time loss to my re-inspired will to game once more (as well as getting a busier role in real life). I can elaborate on that here but I think a previous post on my secondary blog explains it well enough.
As the review is late, it is a gun-sure thing I'll make them so long and as detailed as possible when I can, I hope I'll be at least. It is the least I can do due to the lack of attention I've been giving them lately. ^^;
Until the actual review with the proper graphical edits. :P
Okay, I seriously needs to focus my attention to my finals next week, wish me luck guys!
Good luck for your finals! XD
Seems everyone is pissed at Jebus Yamato... XD
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