Okay, time for a huge post! This post will most likely give deja vu to most Gundam fans and especially to those in the chatroom. Be warned that this post may contain too much data or ideas that of a horrible or crazy parody-ful stuff!
Onwards... to madness.
First off, let me explain about the stuff I have been drawing, well on the ones I have posted on Deviantart and showed most of you all. I know that they seem very Gundam-centric but I do draw other things but they may interest most of you a whole lot less... unless you are DFC or trap fans. >_>
EDIT (13/04/10): Fixed some grammar and updated some sentences to sync up with the newest post.
At first, I wanted to call it Gundam 00D, but then changed to Gundam 00T. At the end, it went back to Gundam 00D. The 'D' is a parody on one of the worst Gundam series ever made recently. Whatever you want to interpret from that lame title is up to you. I don't think I can get any better titles anyways. ^^;
In the end, for now, I moved the time of the story ahead by 20 or so years in hope that it look quite possible for a whole new set of GN Drives to have been made plus new organizations to appear...
The main character believes himself to run a normal teenage life. He thought that nothing will go wrong... Well, you get the idea. With sudden events taking place before him, he gets shoved into the cockpit of a Gundam. Of course... to be truthful, he isn't what he really thought he was.
If you're asking about the weird name, I tried to be as close as most of the Gundam franchise human names, yeah. ^^; As for why he kinda looks like Setsuna, there is a valid reason for that which will be revealed in due time or you can just see my secondary blog. It should be obvious to some considering how the G00-verse works.
As the city is being assaulted by EDEN's forces, Sean had to, well, escape. As he saw the girl who doesn't seem to be running, he dragged her along. That, of course, leads to this.
Somehow, after taking full control of the Gundam, our main character here can kick some grunt ass to the nether region. The reason why he could pull of a miracle without any known prior knowledge of piloting a MS will be revealed...
After more turn of events, he finally meets Neo Celestial Being - an anti-war organization based on the original Celestial Being. The Gundam he piloted belongs to them, duh.
Not making you read too much into unfinished work, here are some of the already designed characters sketches, one can already be found on my Deviantart account.

Age: 2X
Mai is related to Graham Aker, who is the father (please don't die in the movie Graham!).
EDEN's main purpose is to bring humanity to the next frontier. However, to push humanity towards their goals, there needs to be some action taken...
I haven't thought fully of how they can be perceived as evil so some input is gravely needed. I'm not as good as Tomino or the guy writing Gundam Origins so making a Gundam bad guy is kinda hard for me. From what I can tell, Gundam antagonists are normally misunderstood and take the wrong actions even though their goals have some merits in them. For now, I'm just describing EDEN as a forceful group that tries to quicken human evolution.
GND-000 Spark Gundam
Spark is one of the prototypes made for the new generation of Gundams. It houses a new GN Drive which has been further miniaturized and tuned up in performance. A newly discovered material is now used for the armor of this Gundam which further increases its defenses making it more resilient against most attacks.
Under normal operations, it is merely equipped with a beam rifle, beam shield and two beam sabers. These weapons normally stay equipped on the Spark even though it equips the weapon packs.
It also incorporates a Core Figther System whereby it houses a core fighter. The GN Drive is installed in the core fighter similar to the Gundam Plutone. All Gundams in the GND line uses this concept unless stated otherwise.
GND-000 + WP-001a Sword Spark Gundam
1x GN Anti-Ship Sword
1x GN Beam Boomerang
4x GN Sword Bit
1x GN Long Sword
1x GN Short Sword
1x GN Beam Rifle
This configuration will be the most used configuration. The sword bits are not controlled via Quantum Brainwaves but are managed via computer instructions through a Haro.
GND-000 + WP-002a Buster Spark Gundam
1x GN Mega Lancher
1x GN Shell Bazooka *credits to Nosferatu for this idea*
2x GN Pistol
This configuration is least used since Storm plays this role much better than Spark. It is used once in a while for specific missions. Rino piloted this before his Storm Gundam was completed later on.
GND-000 + WP-003a Dash Spark Gundam

*No, the Shining Finger is just for illustration purposes.*
Weapon Pack Weight: 2.3t
2x GN Blade Pistol
2x GN Beam Shield (Light)
This weapon pack is produced much later for the purposes of speed and long distance travel. The Spark may be quite agile thanks to the additional thrusters already implemented on the main body but the need to use Trans-AM to one-up the enemies most of the time can be quite disadvantages.
To ensure that the Spark can move at high speeds the pack is designed to manipulate most of the GN Particles to thrust which creates the Wings of Light (WoL) phenomenon. The speed achieved is close to Trans-AM and can be used for a longer period of time. However, recharging is required so continuous use is impossible. The WoL also produces after images just like Trans-AM.
GND-001 Vertigo Gundam
Produced by a different group in Neo Celestial Being and betrayed by the head scientist of this group... It was stolen and given to EDEN. Luckily, the Core Fighter wasn't completed yet so only the body was stolen. The core fighter for it left unused until the GN Drive was required for a new Twin Drive Gundam...
E-GND-001 Vertigo Gundam Kai

Height: 16.4m
Weight: 32.1t
2x GN Buster Sword
2x GN Beam Boomerang
2x GN Beam Rifle
2x GN Railgun
2x GN Cannon
2x GN Beam Shield
After being stolen to EDEN, it was modified slightly to house a GN Drive Tau and given additional arms (considering it was stolen without a single equipment on!).

Okay, I guess I'll stop here for now. This is pretty long! Very text heavy for me to one go this.
Keep it up man. You're getting there.
Wait... Is that... a boy that looked like Setsuna? XD
Nice mecha sketches! I want to see the Spark Gundam in Model kit form!
woohhoo..great looking sketches~~!!!
ahhaa i cant draw stuff like this~ only can make them into model kits directly
very nice rndm!!!
sketch is beautiful, sometimes I prefer sketch than the finished pic, hahahaha, you can see all the artistic strokes.
@bd: Thanks. ^^ Well, as for the boy who looks like Setsuna, I'll let that not be said for now but most anyone can guess it pretty easily anyways.
@Marzz: Thanks! As for Spark, I need TT Hongli to make the HG Exia R2 so that I can use the abundance of parts that comes with it plus other modding essentials (and a HG 00 body). I have the plans in mind already. =D (Too bad it will have to be Non-Scale.)
I don't think I might do this anytime soon as I feel I better gain experience slowly first...
@ZD: It takes time and practice. Anyone can draw nicely if they give some effort and time. I wasn't as good as this when I started drawing.
Now, go make your Knighting Gale!
@heat: Thanks! ^^
True, sometimes sketches got a nice look to them if the strokes are done right but most people would likely prefer a colored version. XP
Fwah....rework destiny mech with Gundam 00 mechanics :D Love the designs and sketches ^^ Like heathorn I prefer sketches too!
Now to copy some ideas from your drawing buhahah!!!
*copy copy copy....orz....
so i can draw gundams like u! nyahahahahaa
Great work... nice story! and awesome gundams!!!
nice drawings! ^^ much better than my failed attempts at drawing gundams from memory when bored in class... say, the gn blade pistol reminds me of haseo's dual guns... (haseo = .hack character, if u didnt noe)
(currently not at home)
@chubbs: If you can make an awesome mod based on my designs, I'd be so happy! ^^
@nari: There are no powers to give, only experience. Thou must gain experience points like I did - sketch, sketch, sketch! XP
Also, thanks!
@Allen: Thanks! Don't worry, if you're persistent enough, you'll be able to do it too! As for the blade pistols, they ARE based on Haseo's DGs. I just totally love those guns in the game (and all of Haseo's weapons)! =)
man, i have idea in gundam sketching, can i help u also because i have some good ideas of gundam design?
@mangyver: Well, if you got some interesting ideas, why not? ^^
wooh.. nice actually... btw this is really a parody eh? hahaha..
O_O I sense a new Gundam director,nice mecha artwork and interesting story line.
@Mafty: That's what I felt about how my story direction. It has some bits and pieces from the other Gundam series stuffed into the plot. XP
@kei: I don' think the story is all that good (yet?) since the story elements and plots that have been thought off are not enough to make the story complete. I haven't even made the battleships (maybe I should ask for bd's assistance for that)! >.<
good job, like the sketch too.
Well, Gundam also influence me to my next videogame (in the past I'm an RPG-Maker user), and the main plot like "someone accidentally meet a Gundam and able to drive it" is attached to mine.
Currently, my main interest is still Akatsuki, the one I want to make as main character in my game.
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