Note: Momotoys is located at The Spring, Kuching.
So, today I manged to go to Spring and went to Momotoys. When I went there, I was surprised to be able to meet SwatWolf, whom I met at KL during the trip last month, playing with his PS3 and working there part time during his holiday.
At any rate, if anyone went to the shop today - you would have known that a **** load of boxes came in today including the MG Exia Ignition Mode and HG Cherudim GNHW/R! Of course, there were a lot more other stuff as well like Transformers, figmas, figma guitars and so on. If anyone wants to get their hands on the Exia, better be quick(I think there are only 2-3 boxes and are all 1st batch)!
Furthermore, on 19th of August(this Wednesday), the 2nd floor of Spring will finally open! That means that the shop will move to the 2nd floor on that day! So, from that day onwards, go to the 2nd floor instead. I wonder if anything special will happen? =)
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