That was sure a fun trip and those added by me in my FB account can see some of the photos of said trip already. :)The trip was fairly relaxing and fun as I went with a group of friends. There wasn't really much of anything to do at the resort (except swimming and relaxing under the sun or going to the beach) but we had our share of fun for 3 days and 2 nights. We also went to a nearby waterfall and the coast (I think its called a "coast").
There was this totally cute cat which was at the cafeteria during that trip too which now became my new profile photo (on FB at least, may use it elsewhere soon). XD Yes, it is using my netbook there, really.
Also, a new season of Digimon has begun and it looks pretty interesting. Lots of gattai going around which some of you may like or not like. However, it does look promising. The subbed version is already out (I watched it RAW but t was quite easy to understand) so you guys should check it out too. Luckily someone is subbing it (or else I might have to watch another series in complete RAW again). ^^
Nendroid Kirby
8 years ago
You watched stuff raw? Oh well I miss the Filipino dubbing for Digimon, especially 2nd season!
Sometimes I watch RAW if there isn't any English subs (I can still understand most of what they say unless it is very technical) or when I'm really impatient. XP
Filipino dubbing, was it nice?
lol a cat using computer
never thought cats can play..rawr! ^_^
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It has begun already? Thought Digimon Xros Wars starts at later date. I haven't even watch season 4 and 5 yet. T.T
Me wannya squeeze cat's tail, nya. :3
lol the neko wonder does the neko know how to play online game,this Digimon seem to me is starting fast in a good way.
Oh! So Digimon Xros Wars Finally air, I only know it on air this month, juz dont know when. thanks your info. Rndm.X3
I saw Pikachu in the opening song:
Oops, replace that link with this:
I dunno about that man.... The new digixros theme.. is a little.... weird..... Digimons combining, well, that's not the first, but still.... Something feels different. Well, let's wait till we watch everything first.^^
@gunpla4ever: Haha, yeah. It amazingly didn't move much when we made it do that. XD
@meegoh: Of course they can! X3
@Chris: Go go watch. You don't need to watch season 4 or 5 since there is no continuity with this season. However, I suggest you watch season 5 (Savers) which was pretty good. ^^
@bd: The cat's tail was kinda short and bent. It rubs against our legs a lot when it moves under the table though. XP
@kei: The season started quite good IMO for the first episode. Lots of comedy (epic shot... pass), lots of action and a bond (must have ye bonds!). :)
@Endy-6: No prob. ^^
@Chris: OMG you're right! And it belongs to that girl even! I can't see that Digimon the same ever again...
@Marzz: Yeah, but it's only the first episode so far. Let's see how it fares after a few more episodes (though it does show some promise).
Hmm don't really watch Digimon so can't really comment...but that cat is kawaii :P
Its good to relax once in a while by the coast....the wind can be very relaxing.....
its been long time didn't watch Digimon,and now its back to 6th
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