I've been waiting for this! :D And I've finally got it! C:
Even since I saw that uber huge beam part equipped
Muramasa Blaster on the RD
Crossbone Gundam X-3, I was like, "I must get this when it comes over." and I did. The S.I.C. Kiwami Tamashii Masked Rider
Den-O Sword Form was a side-buy (thinking of getting other KRs in this small scale series). Because of this different purchase (than usual), I had to skip the HGUC ZZ. ^^;
Well, that's all for now. Didn't build the GX yet (had some fun with Den-O first) but I guess I'll wait until my mood to build sets in (will so have fun with the X-3 tomorrow). I just feel like doing other things lately (like gaming... Oblivion with mods is quite fun, more fun that it was when it was just released).
Oh yeah, I really would like some C&Cs (if you don't mind) for my
previous post. I'll probably make a one-shot
name on it soon-ish since I think I have good enough
foundation to make a
manga draft. ^^
Note: Sorry if the title is worded wrongly. ^^;
Oh, I saw the Crossbone at Momotoys too. Would have gotten if I had extra cash ^^;
That Muramasa Blaster is just so badass.
HGUC ZZ? I thought you weren't interested but you said "had to skip"... XP
Damn lucky, you... *salutes*
@Chris: Skip as in "collection" (I worded it rather badly in the post actually). ^^;
(Well, if it does dust off at Momo, I may get it in the unknown future.)
@bd: Haha. Thanks? ^^
Which reminds me.... I haven't seen RD V2 Assault Buster there. They didn't get that I supposed.
Ore ,Sanjyo! ~ XD!!Never though u get that SIC Kiwami damashii,LOL!!
still awaiting for my SIC kiwami.
even though I prefer gunpla which have building process
Not so much of a fan of Sword, but DId SIC relase Rod and Gun form, I love Urataros and Ryutaros
X-2 and X-3 FTW though I dig X 2 for the blue/purple paint^^;
woohoo Den O sword form nice!!! After getting the bonta kun RD i must say RD version are quite good. Nice joints and good paint job ^^
Still reading through your previous post...lots to digest!
man, I bought HGUC ZZ Saturday ago, although its flexibility was not as awesome as HG 00 Gundam,but most of nub marks etc well-hidden without need to sanding it......recomended to buy it one ^^;
@Chris: Yeah, I think they didn't. I don't remember seeing it or else... I'd get it already. XP
@Liang: I can be full of surprise. XD
Since the SIC Kiwami series looks interesting (as well as priced very nice), I wanted to get one first and Den-O was nice looking. ^^
@GunStray: The other forms also got but only in the normal sized SIC variants for now. Hopefully Kiwami versions of them will come about. ^^
Same here. I might get the X-2 next time if I still got the chance. >.>
@chubbs: Yeah, RDs are indeed nice. They are nice to touch too (especially the newer ones!). Looking good now for the RD Qan[T]. XP
Haha, yeah, ideas overload. ^^;
@gyver: Most kits from Bandai nowadays hid their nubs pretty well so that's a given. Not getting it anyways, not anytime soon by the least. Other stuff which I like more are around the corner... August IS next month. ^^;
Wah... u got DR X2 and a SIC Kiwami Den-O!! woot... nice get there XD.. I want SIC Kiwami Faiz and Blade *_*
Does den-o & Xbone look good together? since they are both around the same height.
@tsuki: Fast typing there haha.
If I get the chance, I would ninja get those two as well. ^^
@kei: Hmm, that's hard to say. Judge it yourself later once the review post is up. :)
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