There were a few shops that took my notice while I was at Kota Kinabalu (KK) last week and bought a number of stuff, even some that are slightly overpriced but not easily found over here.
EDIT: Forgot to state here but have said it before on FB... Thanks to Evaritus Lau (AKA sbhboi) for telling me about Hobby Kingdom, Hobby Densetsu (sadly closed during Christmas) and Revo Toys (became member only since there was not much there yet) at Star City. ^^ Too bad we weren't able to meet up. I was able to go to the Kirameki Maid Cafe at Star City as well. Hm, should put up the photos for that.

This is a sort of card reader for the Sony PSP or any other Sony product using this memory stick. I stumble across it on the net a while ago and is taken by its functionalities. Technically, you can have a slightly cheaper memory stick for your Sony goods utilizing up to 2 Micro SDs. This one is very not cheap but I don't think I can find this anywhere else, even here, easily.

Walx MSG Accessory
Sudden get items. Char's Zaku for me and Amuro's RX78-2 for my sister. Not cheap but at least cheaper than my BRS straps which are replaced by these due to slight scratches already appearing on it.
Yeah, they are walking/chasing. XD

I saw some cheap bootleg Beyblades and bought them. So far, they are quite close to the actual look but more on the cheap side with some minor wrong colors.

Most of you already know this so there isn't much to say except I bought it from Hobby Kingdom over at Star City, KK, Sabah for a reasonable price (after bargaining a bit).
Quite reasonably priced as I bought it at Hobby Kingdom like the previous haul (on the day after). At least I have one board of pla-plate, quick epoxy putty and plastic cement for modding purposes now. ^^ Too bad none of the shops I went to had a Tamashii Stage Act #.
That's all for this haul post. Until the next post.
Recently Just bought Tamiya Extra thin cement at Satok for bargained price around RM25
nice haul :D
@Mangyver after bargain is RM 25? O_O;;;; extra thin supposed to be around RM 16 ..
RM25 is overpriced even after bargaining. O.o
Then again, this area like to overcharge the price for those items. =.=
After more two years, my bottle of Mr Cement is still usable. =D
Modeling cement are a very useful (and indispensable) item for gunpla and figure collectors alike.
I cough at RM25 for a bottle of cement...
@Bd lol XD Mr cement, i mixed it with my limonene cement 3 times already, and now had mix some of the last drop with the lemon. so there goes a Mr cement. looks like i need to get more
@ZD: You definitely use more than any of us. XP
Nice loot, that cement will be very useful in the future.
Although the red "POISON" label sorta discourages uses... ^^;
Tamiya cement: 7.50BND(can have 10% more discount of it)
Tamiya thin cement:11.30BND(still can have discount)
now RM25 is a big rip off
RM 25 cement WHUT??!! LOL.....
SIC KT Blade!!!!!!! Me want! Very rare nowadays....
@Tom: I'll need to get a new mask when I use it then. ^^;
@Sy: Actually, using the current exchange rates, it isn't so (for Brunei to M'sia). However, it doesn't work like that. So RM25 is still a big rip for us.
@Marzz: It was the only one left that day and was a recent new stock some more. O.o Lucky for me, I guess. They had Garren too but I didn't get him due to (luggage) space issues. ^^;
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