Okay guys, since I'm feeling like it today, I'm going to share something I did around 5-6 years ago which still exist within the histories of the internet. It may be funny, crazy or totally WTF. Nonetheless, enjoy my past creations. XD
Note: You may need to click open the image to read some of them.
Intro 1...

Intro 2...

Announcement 1/Intro 3

Author's Sadness 1
Author's Sadness 2
*Remember those Windows ME days? Yeah.*
Back 1

Back 2

Showing Off Some Graphic Extras 1

Showing Off Some Graphic Extras 2 (Don't Cuss with Zero)

Showing Off Some Graphic Extras 3 (Curses)

Toast is Good


Showing Off

The Defeat of BreakMan

He's Back! We are Saved?


Merry Christmas!

Announcement 1/Intro 3

Author's Sadness 1

Back 1

Back 2

Showing Off Some Graphic Extras 1

Showing Off Some Graphic Extras 2 (Don't Cuss with Zero)

Showing Off Some Graphic Extras 3 (Curses)

Toast is Good


Showing Off

The Defeat of BreakMan

He's Back! We are Saved?


Merry Christmas!

Used: MS Paint (mainly), Photostudio 2000 (for background stuff)
And then it ended there, never to continue ever again. ^^; Ah, how nostalgic it is to see my past works and how I actually am laughing at it now. O.o
And then it ended there, never to continue ever again. ^^; Ah, how nostalgic it is to see my past works and how I actually am laughing at it now. O.o
Until the next post!
"Go finish your homework la!"
"Go finish your homework la!"
lol rndm with random stuffs. Whatever happens in that Zero vs BlackZero battle, we'll never know. XD
You know about Photoshop 6 years ago? I only knew it like 3 years ago. ^^;
Heh, yeah, I learned of it before the "CS" that you all see now. Then again, I went on the internet when I was 12 years old and learned a lot of stuff. ^^
THAT was completely random lol....
Lol at the extra life Zero...
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