All the following sketches were done a short while back within the lapse of 2 months like that. Found em' while sorting out my sketches and decided to scan them. ^^

My quick version of Rockman/Mega Man X. A sort of cross between X, Zero and Star Force design motives.
Same as X, this is more of a Rockman X version of Zero which looks manlier. XD Kept the "boob lights" though.
Alternate Spark, if you guys remember, is a ground-up mecha story I've devised. So, here is the "origin" version before the one you mainly will see in the story. It's completely white and piloted by the guy below in the past before the great reset.
Based directly on Cybord 009/Joe Shimura on design, here is Ray. He pilots the Alternate that can change the future of the world... or not.
Okay, that's all for now. Need to go do Z's contest before time's up. Hmhm.

Here's the Heat Release Mode for the G.I.N. Type 2 Custom which the main character of Alternate Spark uses before switching to Alternate Spark. Think of Crossbone Gundam for this one, yep.
The 1st sketch of X is my favourite. Good job on the sketch there, the proportions and perspective are really well-done. I didn't know you have a DA account. I'm gonna add you into my watch list.
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