This is what happens when you're bored and misses an unportable gaming system.
PS: Christmas is tomorrow! If I can't wish it properly tomorrow then I'll say it now.
Merry Christmas!
Also got this just now from Hobby Kingdom at Star City KK, Sabah for a reasonable price. You can already see the Robot Damashii 00 Qan[T] quick review HERE.

Looks like u have been poison by Robot Damashii...XD
Got new shippment next week..any interest?I'll post it out once it come..
Robot Damashii, well it's packaging is not as poisoning as modelkit for me.
@Souji: Not really poisoned. Just that these versions are in my to get list. XD
@Divine: Haha, well, to each their own. I mainly buy RDs for playability. :)
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