This year I became a committee member of SAMS once again but got 'promoted' to a different department. Basically I bring some of the equipment used by the club but since I don't really drive myself, this job was lightened and shared with another person.
This club recruitment drive was kinda sudden as we were told about it by end of last week and I can say that our preparations were pretty weak but we were luckily assisted by some of the more senior members of SAMS from before (though it was more like they had to). ^^;
I did what I can but maybe I should've checked with the other committee members some more before today. Ah well, what's done is done. Lesson learned.
Read on for photos and further details.
Note: Sorry for the weak quality of photos. I had to set to sport and turn off the flash for more natural shots (for most) so that I don't really disrupt what the other people are currently doing (ninja snapping in other words) while managing to take less blur shots since people do move about quite a lot. XD
The club recruitment drive was done at the Auditorium over at Block G (AKA old block). Various other clubs like Wushu, Civil Engineering, Japanese, Drama, Choir and so on are there also. This event was conducted by the Student Council in an effort to bring the students of Swinburne to participate in club activities. A good thing I say since sometimes people don't read the Blackboard (electronic board for announcement and subject materials). The time for the event was from 9AM until 4PM.

Since I was able to come early today like I always do anyways), I helped to set up the booth. Spaces are allocated to each club which is about 2 tables. We extended outs frontwards two more tables to the front for displaying some stuff. The initial setting was kinda... not what I thought it would be. Two Gunpla, Haruhi and Nendo Mio isn't much especially since the last two are still boxed up. ^^;
Some misfortunes followed us since the new committee wasn't up to snuff yet, so a bit of help was given by one of the assisting founders of this club. We went to his house and brought the big guns, a Full HD 32" LCD TV, PS3 and three popular Blu-Ray titles - Unicorn OVA Ep1, Black Rock Shooter and Evangelion III (IIRC).

Out setup had hiccups in the beginning due to some technicalities such as the adapter of the speaker was dead and other stuff I better not say here publicly. All is well in the end though as we managed to get 52 new members and returning members during the first day. =)
I won't be covering the second day though as I am unable to be there due to a whole day worth of class. Sorry guys. Most of the other committee members also face a similar problem but we hope for people to come around 10.30AM as that is when one of the committee member can come over to set up our club's booth. =D
I knew it was the freaking Ahead that would appear... XD
BTW, great job on posing both units, especially the 00 with the GN Sword IV...
lololololllolololol ahead got pwned again >D
and yeah special screening of UC~
OMG,this is awesome..
ya,I still remember i join the Red Crescent Society when I was middle school....
(totally late reply)
@Zeon: Yep, poor AHEAD... not! XD
Thanks! I actually had to pose it twice before I finalized its stance but I guess the first one was okay also. ^^
@ZD: Yep, AHEADs are unlucky in my hands. >D
Yar, UC FTW! Survey says people watch this more than 10 times! (personal survey)
@Liang: Thanks. Yep, Red Cresent also got. I think they did a blood donation drive yesterday but I didn't really had the time to check it out. ^^;
are you in the pic rndm ^^ ???
@moe: Nope... It's impossible since all these pictures were taken by myself. XD
The Haro look cute =X,but epic pose for 007S/G with Ahead,and free screening of Unicorn ^_^
I never knew you are in an anime club.
In univ we didnt have anything like that >.<
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