I decided to fit this one into one single post this time instead of two separate posts like I usually do.
This is because I do not have to review the articulation and gimmicks of the 00 Gundam (the base body) anymore as I have already done it in a previous review here.Specs:
Height: 18.3m
Weight: 65.1t
Armaments: GN Sword II Blaster, GN Buster Sword II, GN Sword II Long, GN Sword II Short, GN Katar (2). GN Beam Saber (2)
MS Brief:
After then end of Gundam 00 Season 2, Celestial Being suffers from monetary problems as well as the lost of one GN Drive. Because of that, the 00 Gundam has lost its Twin Drive capabilities and is solely running one one GN Drive and a condenser on the other side (the side with the GN Buster Sword II). Furthermore, it can only use Trans-AM for a very limited time of 0.03 seconds.
EDIT (6/9/2011): I just noticed I put the hilt of the GN Buster Sword II upside down which made it unable to close in the first place. My bad.
Note: The third preview shot requires the XN Raiser and another 007S/G to be do-able. ^^;There is also a short comic strip near the end of this review. =)
Part 1: Box

Your standard HG box but the art of the 007S/G shows its overwhelming power with a destroyed GN-XIII in the background. Pure awesomeness as it does happen in-story.
Part 2: Box Open!

Does it feel like it is worth 1600 Yen?
Part 3: Runners
Runner spread~ Some of them should look very familiar.

Kinda wish Bandai would've made these clear parts green... but lazy Bandai. However, I think they didn't do it because it might have affected the forehead crystal which is supposed to be red in color instead.

Bandai added an extra section for the new parts that are required for the weapons.

Completely new runners for the 007S/G. Hey, look, beam sabers and clear green parts!

Same ol' but definitely great HG 00 polycaps. The sticker sheet uses similar effects with the later 00 Raiser releases and the wire is for the GN Sword II Short.
Part 4: Building Process
As per usual, since they are not at their suitable colors, I took out my
metallic Sangokuden Gundam markers and painted away. If you want to try this, just
don't shake the markers and let the
unmixed paint flow out instead when you're painting. Make sure you do it fast and as uniform as possible. You only get ONE shot to paint clear parts with markers.
Part 4.1: TorsoPart 4.2: Head
Part 4.3: ArmsPart 4.4: Legs

This time I made sure I also painted the bottom part of the feet gray. I missed that one for my first 00.

Painted the side of the legs gray as well as specific sections of the circular areas near the knee.
Forgot to panel line, even now, the
small armor piece at the knee (rear). ^^;
The knee armor is switched with a new part in order to holster the GN Katars later. Color separation is top notch here.
Part 4.5: WaistPart 4.6: Weapons Part 4.6.1: GN Sword II Blaster

The handle works the same way as the GN Sword II so it does swivel.
BTW, it also has a second handle which I totally forgot to use in the whole review. Not like it needs to use it anyways. ^^;
Part 4.6.2: GN Buster Sword II

The buster sword has a few moving parts. The
blade section can be opened and closed
but I find it very difficult to close without putting in a lot of force. (
EDIT (6/9/2011): That's because I accidentally put the hilt upside down... only recently fixed it. ^^;)
I ended up never closing it completely for the whole review. The
blue armor parts at the side can be taken out as part of the opening gimmick. The
white parts covering the handle can be
opened up to allow the 00 to hold the weapon. It may become loose rather fast though. Furthermore, the
handle section can
move in and out but works much better than the blade section.
Part 4.6.3: GN Sword II Long & Short

It uses the handles of the GN Sword II found on the original 00 Gundam runners. Thus, the clear parts requires some green paint to synchronize with the rest of the armaments... The
long sword is prety sturdy and has a
second handle for a more stable grip while in rifle mode. The
short sword is
quite flimsy and the tip tends to fall off easily. The wire also doesn't really go in easily and requires some effort. Quite disappointing for me IMO but I guess due to its small size it couldn't be helped...
Part 4.6.4: GN Katar

The GN Katars are very solid. It has a simple sliding mechanism for the handles. These are probably the most beautiful 'short swords' I've seen in a while. *_*
Note: These katars were used to test out the condenser blade theory to enhance physical blade performance as physical blades has shown weakness especially if they don't get enough headroom to swing. At first - these katars melts on the spot but after some time, the GN Sword III was made based on it. This continued on with the GN Sword Kai and the GN Sword IV as well as 00 Qan[T]'s GN Sword Bit. Part 5: Initial Shots
A shot of the bare 00 Gundam.
Part 6: Up, Left, Down, Right!
Sorry for the lack of comparisons, I forgot and my camera battery died by end of the photoshoot session. Then again, I don't really think you need any other comparisons to other kits except to the 00 Raiser which I didn't do either. ^^;
Part 7: Action!
Defying gravity and showing its polycap strength, the GN Drives can hold the sword up in the air.

This is how you connect the GN Sword II Blaster to the right GN Drive.

To put in the blaster, you need to do as seen above. You may need something like a knife or sharp nails to pull out the handle inside though...


I can hold it fairly well in this configuration. It IS the real way of holding it anyways. I didn't pose it attacking in sword mode though.

The GN Buster Sword II can act as a shield similar to that of the 00 Qan[T]'s binder. To hook the buster sword onto the GN Drive, just pull out the handle and slot it in connecting the peg to the slot under the cone.

This way of holding it is done by connecting it similar to most Gunpla shields. The handle (it can swivel) is inserted into the hands and the peg is connected into the arm.
I heavily suggest you all to superglue the two halves of the white arm parts if you want to avoid the buster sword from falling off rather easily since the slot at the arm can open up... (most 00 Gundam owners should know of this already) ^^;

Box-art pose.


Final shot!
'Show me your moves!'

I couldn't of much poses to do with the katars unfortunately but I think I should've made 00 throw it as well. Setsuna loves to wastes swords. >.>
Part 8: A Simple Comic StripThis will be a silent comic strip since I'm too lazy to do any actual dialog. Hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless. ^^
Part 9: XN 00 Raiser 12 Sword/2G (XNR12S/2G)Requirements: XN Raiser from Hobby Japan, 0 Raiser, Another 007S/GWhat's on the 00 now?
2x GN Sword II Blaster
2x GN Buster Sword II
1x GN Sword II Long
1x GN Sword II Short
2x GN Katar
2x GN Beam Saber
2x GN Sword II
2x GN Buster Sword III
Part X: What If?
Ribbons: This is the Gundam that will lead hu- OMG?!
Setsuna: Setsuna F. Seiei, XN Raiser, cutting towards the future!
Ribbons: !!! When did a mere human get such a--
*insert whatever your imagination can imagine here*
Note: Reborn's beam saber was painted with the metallic Sangokuden Gundam marker. =)Part X: Now & ThenPart 10: ConclusionPros- Tons of swords!
- Still can balance pretty well with all those swords on
- Great color and part separation
- Superb articulation!
- Good price @ 1600 Yen
Cons- Flimsy short sword
- Can't really hold the buster sword
- Still need some painting effort on the clear parts from the original 00 Gundam runners
Overall, this highly anticipated kit does not disappoint! Well, some flaws are present but they are negligible for me. It is also quite popular amongst most Gunpla-ers as far as I can see. he stocks of this kit just dwindle down like there is no tomorrow at the local hobby shop! =O
As a point to note, the rifle mode of the swords are pretty easy for me to set up now. Must be due to my experience with the previous 00 kit. Even so, I think the rifle mode might be a little annoying to some of your though. So, it is better to just leave then in sword mode except of the blaster as it looks just awkward being used primarily as a sword. ^^;
Another thing I want to address is how loosely the GN Sword II connects to the side skirts. It didn't become blatantly annoying until the flimsy short sword and long sword was used. They don't come off easily per say but they kinda just flop pointing downwards making certain poses less dynamic looking when it happens. Not really a major problem however.
Okay, that's all for now. Hopefully I didn't forget anything I wanted to say since I thought of what to say while building it on Monday night but only managed to do the review today due to time constraints.
Until the next post~
katar-kick pose!!!!!!YEAH!!
14S/G own,if you did put 14S Vs Ahead then .......... too 1 sided =X
try letting the XN raiser arms hold both GN swords, then use the 0 Raiser attachment to connect the sword blasters... XD
Nah, Bandai wasn't lazy by leaving the clear parts "un-colored". They already mass-produced those runners, so they save costs by not giving them color again.
This GNHW is definitely the best of them 00 bunch. And the Tactical Arms*ahem* GN Buster Sword II is just great.
Wow, a tons of sword....GN Buster sword reminds me to the Astray's tactical arms......Since combined with XN Raiser become tons of sword....did u make the configuration with 0 Raiser and how it does look like?
@ZD: Yep! I didn't want to just pose it like that so I made AHEAD the victim (again). XD
@kei: My camera battery died on me after the last shot between Reborns and XN Raiser. =X
@Zeon: I thought of doing that but my 14 swords count will be reduced since the XN arms held the GN Sword II in my crazy configuration. ^^;
@Chris: Yeah, I know but yet, at the same time, I know they CAN do it. Therefore Bandai is still lazy. XP
Gotta agree with you that this is the best GNHW between the five of them IMHO. =)
@mangyver: I did stick everything on the 00 for that crazy config. Sadly my camera battery died on me before I did anything fun. ^^;
As for the XN Raiser itself...
how bout the twin GN Sword IIs from the original 00?
@Zeon: Erm, it is already holding the GN Sword II. ^^;
Ok... XD Guess that thing's NOT gonna run out of swords then, right? XD
Still scavenging for an XN raiser kit that is available in my country... ^^;
Wait....with one GN Drive, it can't go into Trans-am anymore....at least that's what it says inside the manual. Unless you're trying to make a joke there about activating for 0.03 seconds. ^^;
@Zeon: Good luck with that. ^^;
@Chris: It ain't a joke. It really went Trans-AM for 0.03 seconds. o.o
Ooo... 00 Gundam is more beefier now. I'm a bit in doubt in whether or not to get (or get something else). Since I already the basic version...
@bd: Well, if it really appeals to you, you can at least get one set if your budget permits. Seeing as you will get some bonuses from your recent activities, why not? =)
7 swords is just too cool!! especially with all the action pose that you do! I went to a local hobby shop yesterday to get one, but it already run out of stock T.T
damn! I got poisoned by your review!!
@h4mster: Yeah, it runs out quick~ The local hobby shop here already ran out of it earlier this week. ^^;
@heathorn: Yes, yes, I live to poison. (jk)
Fufufu, wanna get the 007S/G? No, wait, get TWO 007S/G? >D
hey you can mod a part to conect 2 more katar in to leg like this ( sr i'm not good english
@winded: Oooh, you did that? Can you tell me how? =)
@CD : you drill a hole on the other side of the part and take a conect join katar of other 7 sword you have , attach to the hole you drill and you have a both side to conect two more katar sword :D
by the way , can you comment on this for me , is it too much? my freind say it awfull :(
I think it looks alright (more swords!). If you could, painting it will definitely make it look better. =)
I see, drilling a hole on the other side... simple enough. Maybe I'll do that when I have the time. Those "extra" Katars sure look lonely. XP
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