I actually didn't plan to get the PS3 this early this year but I did plan to get it later this year after a bit more savings in the pocket. However, I was browsing the garage sales board over at Lowyat forums once again and an offer I can't refuse was there. The price, condition and seller location was simply perfect! It is as if the world/universe was telling me to do it and I did.
Thus, I present you, the now Blu-Ray capable entertainment center!Before this, this PS3 belong to the Lowyat user greyshadow who seems to be more of an Xbox 360 gamer. His PS3 had less attention to the point that it is still shiny to this day! This is one of the earlier units and it is 2 years plus already. If it was a very used unit, I might have not bought it second hand in the first place but considering the condition and everything, it wasn't a bad deal.
FYI, this is the 40GB Japan model. It was bought from Penang initially which was imported from Hong Kong before PS3 became official in Malaysia.
It took me a while to find the right spot to put it in since I planned for a slim model and not the old phat model thus I had troubles placing it nicely.

I was happy to learn that it can connect wireless-ly to the internet unlike the Xbox 360 I have (the new slim model can however) and with the recent restructuring of my house wireless connectivity, this was a pleasant thing to know. :)

I still like how we get nice manuals and nice looking adverts when we buy an original game. :D
This is my first purchase for this year and its pretty big! Since it is planned and second hand, the budget planning continues one, just that the 3DS shall be pushed even further.
Till the next post~
Very nice. Don't worry about the 40 GB hard drive, you can upgrade the hard drive to something else since it uses notebook hard drives (the 3 by 2.5 inch variants).
my my, 2011 isnt past the first one week and you gathered lots of wins already ^^b
i also got something built already,from lowyat too ^^
enjoy the ps3 bud, so im guessin ull be getting dynasty warriors gundam 3 when it comes out?
@Tom: Yeah, heard that from my friend also, will do that whenever I get the chance to get another HDD... which is I dunno when right now since it isn't in the current budget plan of 2011. ^^;
@ZD: And I scored another today. Next post for that sudden come across. o.o
@Moe: I will after I get a certain PS3 exclusive game... As for Musou 3, unless I really want to play online, I'll stick to playing it on my modded Xbox 360 since I just learned how to ahemahem games properly. >.>
@ZD: Wait, what did you get?
If you even have a slightest passing interest in the shooting/platforming genre, you should definitely get Uncharted 1 & 2, it will blow you away! LOL
@Faddy: I actually don't mind playing shooters just that I suck more than the average player at them. XP
Considering the costs to buy games for the PS3, I'll just put it there in the "only if I manage to get excess cash somehow then I'll get it" list. >.>
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