While I was at the usual bookstore I regularly go to (3rd Mile Life Bookstore), I went to the Chinese/HK magazine section and spotted...

There was only 2 so I bought them both for RM20 each. Not as "cheap" as the usual price but way cheaper than me buying the Japanese version. This is the HK version BTW which is obviously much cheaper for us. ;)
More on this later? Even though there isn't much to review. I got an idea what to do with the base but... not now.
Other than that, a rather annoying thing happened...

We were at the apartment to do something important. While waiting, I opened the sliding glass door, or whatever it is supposed to be called. The darn lock-thing broke off and I had to...

...make it work using duct tape to lock in for a temporary fix. My father quickly bought a replacement and I was told to fix it. Nothing hard though, remove the old one, insert and adjust new one. Simple.

The new one feels tougher and has a real lock on it. The original one was a simple open from the inside only mechanism and was quite flimsy when compared to this one.

The new one was slightly different so I had to turn the "hook" the other way as instructed by the clerk of the hardware store we bought it from. Seems like the hardware used for the MJC apartments aren't up to snuff and my personal experience tells me that too true.

Used the screws from the old one since the new ones were longer. After a bit of adjusting and tightening, it works like a charm and much better. :)
That's all for this post. Until the next post~
Haha, my bro got one from Malaysia the other day when he went out with my parents. Nice get!
OneJaya Smart Bookstore oso got!!
@_@ lotsa lotsa nice get you have there bro!
@Souji: So you bought some yourself?
@ZD: Haha, yeah...
Wallet: x.x
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