Rarely Mondays are so joyous and wonderful and this was an exception. Yeah, his post is coming after midnight so it's Tuesday already but did a lot of stuff today including clearing out my room to make more space and make it easier to clean and whatnot.
Internet was down since Thursday night after a heck of a slowdown since Wednesday night. It seem to be an international problem, a usual excuse by TM but looks like my line totally went to nigh-unusable due to the weather as my phone line was affected severely as well. Luckily, all problems were solved today.
My camera was sent off near the end of December last year. I just got it back today and it is spot free one again! Thanks goodness to Canon's great warranty service!
Before I end this quick posting which will lead to bigger posts soon-ish, here's a photo with my new "set-up" and cleaned camera. :D More on that in the next post.

Onwards to tomorrow! Hopefully I can finish this guy tomorrow since I want to use the HG 00 Qan[T] for the G-Shot contest... (I planned to since the beginning) and now I can take the other one as well for the best customized/paint job category(since camera is back). Can anyone guess how am I gonna pose it later? >.>
Wish me luck!
good luck bud, id like to see how u pose the quant. i've yet to build mine sigh
End scene GN particle spam like the movie haha!!!
Happy that you got your trusty camera back!
Woot! Congrats on getting your camera and internet back! I don't think I'll know what to do if I miss my camera for that long xD.
Be sure to sharpen the inner V-fin on Qan[T]'s head... it looks rather blunt o_O
@Moe: Thanks.
@chubbs: Close. XD And thanks!
@Z: I was like :C for a while since phone cameras and broken cameras don't do justice. ^^;
I thought of doing that...but feels quite risky since I've never sharpened a V-Fin that far. :/
And it's really very blunt, actually very thick. The outer V-Fin is thinner. XP
AH!!!! I was gonna start on the 00 QAN[T] this week too!
But..... I just can't get around to doing it....
I'm holding off on getting this HG. Waiting for the regular release of this HG Quanta + Full Saber. :D
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