*I bought mine for RM26 BUT you can find it for way less than RM20 from certain places such as Chow Kit.
I built this one quite a while ago but didn't ultimately felt like reviewing it in the end because of a few problems that persisted. At first it was something meager buy then I lost one of the beam boomerangs. Total mood killer. Nonetheless, I've decided to review it today as I have finished giving it a rough paint job. Would've looked nicer if I could cover the seams and sand it though. Then again, I'm pretty satisfied with this quick and rough job. Furthermore, this is my first bootleg HG... IIRC. XP
According to the manual;
ZGMF-X42S - Destiny (Gundam)
Pilot: Rear Fly Bird... (Shinn Asuka)
Height: 18.08m
Weight: 79.44t
Armaments: CIWS - Head Vulcan, High Energy Beam Rifle, Arondight Anti-Ship Sword, High Energy Long Range Beam Cannon, Palma Fiocina Beam Cannon (2), Flash Edge 2 Beam Boomerang (2), Solidus Fulgur Beam Shield Generator (2), Shield
Woah, the Destiny really comes packing with weapons but... erm.. it wasn't all that in the anime though... Basically it is Shinn's newest Gundam after his first which was the Impulse (which looks better in design IMO). Nonetheless, the Destiny shines in beauty thanks to its Wings of Light.
Read on for the review!
EDIT: Manual scans are up now! Enjoy the Engrish translations courtesy of TT Hongli. XD
Part 1: Box...

Part 2: Box Open!
Part 3: Manual Scans

With that said, I had to rely on... a no sticker build! My first ever no sticker build...
Part 4: Runners

Part 5: Building Process & Lack Thereof
Since I built this during the time when I was less experienced,the building process was not recorded fully. I also don't remember every single detail anymore but I'll try to highlight important aspects especially since this is a bootleg review.
As for this bootleg.. I suggest you get some superglue. You'll definitely need it. Oh, a hobby knife (or any small knife) might also be needed.
Part 5.1: Head & Torso

I also tried to get a light blue color for the front portion of the chest though it didn't come out tht well...
Part 5.2: Beam Rifle & Shield

Part 5.3: Arms
Part 5.4: Legs

Part 5.5: Waist

Part 5.6: Arondight & Beam Cannon

Because of that, I tried to hide the crack by adding some extra layers of paint on it. Due to the bad ratio of using marker tips, the end result resulted in that section being more white. @_@
Part 5.7: Wings of Light

Sadly, after a while... I lost one of the beam boomerangs... T_T
Also, all photos after this are taken under natural sunlight near noon just now. Ah, sunlight, you've returned!
Also, all photos after this are taken under natural sunlight near noon just now. Ah, sunlight, you've returned!
Part 6: Introducing... HG Destiny Extreme Burst Mode (Lame Attempt Edition)!

Due to the paintjob, some parts became a bit more stiff.. which is a good thing. ^^
Part 7: Destiny EBM Stands Proud!
Part 7.1: Height Comparison
Part 7.2: Lotsa Parts

Part 7.3: Front & Rear
Part 7.4: Articulation

*Ignore the plastic at the back as I tried to use the plastic bag trick for the backpack.. which didn't work out in the end.*

Part 8: Action!

Part 9: Conclusion
- Lovely wings.
- Wings can stay up perfectly fine.
- Abundance of weapons (still lose to Crossbone however).
- Huge sword!
- Glittery beam parts.
- Cheap at less than RM20. I saw this at Jia Yang last month (December 2009) under the new TT Hongli logo - "Gao Gao". As such, I picked up another Destiny that day. I might evaluate it under the rumor that TT Hongli has better quality products under the name "Gao Gao" instead. We'll see.
- Needs superglue trick for a few parts (arms especially).
- Low articulation for the legs.
- Stickers don't work.
- Arms like to fall off.
- Loose backpack (probably due to the extra weight of the wings beam parts).
If you do want to get this bootleg model, make sure you have some superglue ready and maybe some paint to make it look nicer. =)
Rear fly bird? o.0 "amazing" translation there lol!
And stickers........ for tt hongli you are better off not using them lol
Give effect at wing looks better....
I like the wing of Destiny, but don't think will buy this one in 1/144.
Maybe later when I want to buy, I'll go with MG Extreme Blast Mode.
Anyway, good review per usual.
:O Now I know what brand to get when I want to get spare parts to mod.
It seems like a lot of work just to put this kit together @___@
Congrats on your first no stickers build :D haha opening picture very nice ^^
That translation omg lol....rear fly bird...that had me laughing hard haha...
rear fly bird ??? @_@ what is that ??
congrats for no sticker I haven't try something like that yet
Rear Fly Bird = Shinn's name if translate from Chinese to Engrish? XD
@Marzz: Sometimes they work sometimes they don't. It was just luck that the stickers that came with the Destiny I bought were completely useless. @_@
@mangyver: Couldn't really do anything nice with the current set of skills I know. Might have to check some tutorial for that, a bit later. ^^;
@divine: Don't, get the MG Destiny EBM if you can. I heard (saw some pics) the TT Hongli one is pretty good if you can't get the original (too bad I didn't find one...).
@B-Mecha: Bootlegs are good for spare parts as they are inexpensive. Yep, this one took a bit more work than usual. XP
@chubbs: Thanks but the picture was a cincai done one. Haha.
@moe: Thanks! Then again, I had no other choice or else my Destiny would look really lame. Orz.
TT Hongli....good parts,bad stickers
Screw the sticker for my Kyrios, yeah I couldn't transform to a Gundam. >_<
I'll wait if one of my store stock up an EBM, maybe this week, but as far as I could buy, it's in March... if they still have one.
GS:destiny and below t hongli kits is not that good,my friend als ohave this one and it sucks.
it is his first kit anyway..
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